There are so many color possibilities - I want to make a whole garden of these blooms. I arranged fabrics in the proportion that will be in the block because that helps me choose colors.
I cut out my template and then used the leftover piece to choose placement on the fabric. Remember to place the curve on the bias and it will turn under more easily.
Cut the pieces out a scant quarter inch outside of the line. Pinch along the seam to bend the marked line and the seam allowance to the wrong side. Pin or baste to hold the shape in place while you sew.
Use the side of your needle to turn the edge under as you go. Stitch along the edge to hold the shapes in place.
I'll share more tips on Facebook Live today at 2:00 p.m. at Atkinson Designs. The video will be on my timeline afterwards and you can watch any time.
Be sure to stop over and visit Lori Kennedy to learn more about her.
Dive in and enjoy this block, and be sure to post your block at The Splendid Sampler!