This block was fun to sew and with a few simple tricks you'll have a more accurate block.
Even for a simple block like this one, audition the fabrics by looking at them in about the same proportion that you'll see in the finished block. Try them in different positions and see how well they contrast with each other. I tried out several different blues before I found just the right one.
Round up and cut the squares 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" for Step 1. This gives you a little extra for trimming the squares to a perfect 2".
When stitching the little squares, stitch across a scrap first and stop with the needle down. Lift the presser foot and slide the squares right up to the needle. Lower the presser foot and begin stitching.
Pay attention to pressing - two squares have seams pressed toward the big triangle and two are pressed toward the small triangle.
When pinning the squares together, insert the pins 1/4" from the edge, right where you'll sew. You'll drive right across where it's matching. Press seams open for less bulk.
I'll share more tips on Facebook Live today at 3:00 p.m. at Atkinson Designs. The video will be on my timeline afterwards and you can watch any time.
Be sure to stop over and visit Susan Ache to learn more about her.
Dive in and enjoy this block, and be sure to post your block at The Splendid Sampler!