"Milk and Cookies" by Rebecca Bryan
Simple piecing and gentle curves go together to make the "Milk and Cookies" block. Here are a few tips that will help you stitch a great block.
Cut the squares 1/4" larger than the pattern suggests to allow for squaring up the final block. Press seams open to reduce bulk.
Trace the template with the curve on the diagonal or "bias" of the fabric and the curve will be easier to turn under. I use a sandboard when tracing shapes. It grips the fabric, keeping it from rippling as you move the pencil.
Cut the straight lines with a rotary cutter for accuracy. Cut the curves using a sharp scissors. If your chalk pencil makes thick lines, cut the lines off for more accurate pieces.
Stitch the units together in pairs, making sure they all faced the same way! Finger press the seams open to reduce bulk. Stitch three pairs together to make each half of the ring. Press all seams open.
Straighten the edge of each half of the ring with a rotary cutter
Finger press the edge under before pinning the ring to the background. It will be easier to turn the edge under when stitching.
Go here for the "Milk and Cookies pattern.
Go here for the sandboard that I use; you'll also find great "how to" applique videos.